The latest news, press, and more from DPI Consortium
Latest news
Visit the Blog page to get a summary of the latest educational efforts by the Consortium and new resources that have been added to the website and the DPI Consortium Zotero database.
“Wall Street Journal – How Deep Packet Inspection Provides a Multilayered Look Into Your Network“
Press Releases
December 07, 2023 – The DPI Consortium, an independent, non-profit organization committed to providing educational resources regarding the history of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology and development, recently conducted a technical training for the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) as part of the USPTO’s Patent Examiner Technical Training Program (PETTP). The training featured the DPI Consortium’s Advisory Board, a panel of leading technologists, inventors, and founders who have led the development of DPI technology since its inception and was part of the DPI Consortium’s ongoing work to advance the field of DPI technology by making historical research and development resources available to all.
November 30, 2022 – Announcing the launch of the DPI Consortium and its mission to improve patent quality and deter frivolous patent claims. The press release details the Consortium’s advisory board and the role NETSCOUT played in founding the organization and includes a brief history of deep packet inspection.
December 13, 2022 – The recently announced DPI Consortium today launched its prior art database consisting of more than 1600 items related to Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology for assuring the health and security of networks and the applications and services that run on them.